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Living on Earth as if we want to stay
Mike Nickerson will be at [ location here ] on [ date ] [ time
] to speak with the [ name of club ] about his book "Life, Money &
Illusion; Living on Earth as if we want to stay." His topic is increasingly
relevant in this time of financial uncertainty.
"While the present economic system is in turmoil," Nickerson says,
"there is light, not at the end of the tunnel, but under the shining
Progress, until now, has been defined solely in terms of economic expansion.
While this tunnel vision made sense in the first centuries after the industrial
revolution, it has become a problem today. In the developed world, due to
industrial efficiency, human need had essentially been met by the 1950s.
Growth from that time has increasingly required obsolescence and waste.
By the 1980s, this was no longer enough. Further growth was enabled by deregulating
the savings and loans industries, "junk bonds," the Dot Com bubble
and recently the bidding up of real estate and lending for sub-prime mortgages.
This succession of financial bubbles appeared to work until energy driven
inflation prompted interest rate increases that many sub-prime mortgage
holders were unable to pay. Pop!
That's the bad news. The good news is that the human family is now mature.
We don't have to grow forever. Well-being now depends on the sustainable
management of natural resources, passing along the skills needed to provide
goods and services and the maintenance of social harmony so that we are
willing and able to trade.
In "Life, Money & Illusion" Nickerson explains how we can
measure progress in terms of sustainability. By taking actions to improve
such measures, we would soon find more time to enjoy living and the world
of our children and grandchildren would hold more promise.
More about
measuring genuine progress at: