Listen to a really well produced interview by Corporate Knights.

Living on Earth as if we want to stay

A Talk given by Mike Nickerson

at the Art of Being Green Festival on July 12, 2009

Listen to the entire presentation online. (38 min.)

download presentation here

Presentation divided into chapters:

1.1) Introduction.

1.2) A fundamental change in the relationship between People and the Earth.

1.3) Two natural laws that we must obey.

1.4) Human ability;
We could extend well-being for millions of years.

1.5) How we met the acid rain challenge in the 1980's.

1.6) Society's growth hormone
Why our economic system has to grow.

1.7) Cowboy economics;
Why recessions can happen at peak economic performance.

1.8) We're under attack, go shopping;
Origins of 2008/2009 recession.

1.9) An ancient solution to the recession cycle.

2.0) The golden age of Greece followed a similar fix.

2.1) Mopping up in the Global Monopoly Game.

2.2) Long-term success for humans is not a problem;
if what we want are healthy lives.

2.3) We are Human Beings, not Human Havings.

2.4) Buckminster Fuller's
Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth.

2.5) Pattern integrity;
our physical bodies are enmeshed in the Earth.

2.6) Organic agriculture;
Healthy soils and life everlasting.

2.7) Extended producer responsibility;
And other steps for a sane economy.

2.8) Caterpillars become butterflies;
The metamorphosis of civilization.

2.9) Reduce, Reuse, Recession;
today's moral quandary.

3.0) A Question of Direction.
Illustrations at: Seeds for Change.

3.1) Change starts when people discuss choices.

3.2) More available at:

3.3) A story of the Great Transformation.

For more information on many of these topics, check out the Educational Materials page!


Terry Tufts song