Living on Earth as if we want to stay
A Talk given by Mike Nickerson
at the Art of Being Green Festival on July 12, 2009
1.1) Introduction.
1.2) A fundamental change in the relationship between People and the Earth.
1.3) Two natural laws that we must obey.
1.4) Human ability; We could extend well-being for millions of years.
1.5) How we met the acid rain challenge in the 1980's.
1.6) Society's growth hormone Why our economic system has to grow.
1.7) Cowboy economics; Why recessions can happen at peak economic performance.
1.8) We're under attack, go shopping; Origins of 2008/2009 recession.
1.9) An ancient solution to the recession cycle.
2.0) The golden age of Greece followed a similar fix.
2.1) Mopping up in the Global Monopoly Game.
2.2) Long-term success for humans is not a problem; if what we want are healthy lives.
2.3) We are Human Beings, not Human Havings.
2.4) Buckminster Fuller's Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth.
2.5) Pattern integrity; our physical bodies are enmeshed in the Earth.
2.6) Organic agriculture; Healthy soils and life everlasting.
2.7) Extended producer responsibility; And other steps for a sane economy.
2.8) Caterpillars become butterflies; The metamorphosis of civilization.
2.9) Reduce, Reuse, Recession; today's moral quandary.
3.0) A Question of Direction. Illustrations at: Seeds for Change.
3.1) Change starts when people discuss choices.
3.2) More available at:
3.3) A story of the Great Transformation.
For more information on many of these topics, check out the Educational Materials page!
Terry Tufts song