What is the Sustainability Project?

The Sustainability Project is a non-profit initiative aiming to:
- clarify the goal of sustainability through education, debate and public participation, and to:
- promote sustainability as a goal we can choose.

Origin of the Sustainability Project:

In the early 1970s, the Institute for the Study of Cultural Evolution (ISCE) began an inventory of the concerns and aspirations of people voluntarily working for a better world.

What were the problems and opportunities that moved people to action even though they received little or nothing in return for their efforts? Where are we heading? Where should we be heading? What is known about the way in which society changes? These were the questions we asked across Canada and the U.S. Notes were made of responses and from recommended literature. After four years, all the notes were sorted for similarities. Long-term well-being or sustainability was identified as the common denominator of popular concern and vision. The various categories of interest were identified by the eight phrases we use throughout this material to outline sustainability.

A Question of Direction is one of several ways we go about introducing the sustainability option.

We produce a variety of materials to clarify the goal of sustainability and encourage discussion.